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February 6, 2024
Why HCG?

The use of HCG in a diet will dispose of the abnormal fat first, which will allow for a visual transformation of the body. It also helps to correct the patients metabolism which in turn will help the patient from gaining the weight back once off a restricted diet. However, in order to maintain a healthy weight after a weight loss program in any circumstance one must continue to have a well balanced diet.

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Image Blog
February 6, 2024
HRT Clinic in Florida

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) CORE Institute offers bioidentical hormone therapy, and complete hormone replacement therapy for women and men in Florida.

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February 6, 2024
Dehydroepiandrosterone What you need to know.

HEA supplements have become very popular, but there's important information you should know before using it. What is DHEA? Why is it used?

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Image Blog
March 21, 2023
Symptoms Involved When You’re Suffering From Low Testosterone

Within this interview, Sidney Gordon and Charlie Blaisdell discuss the symptoms involved when you’re suffering from low testosterone levels.

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March 21, 2023
Hormone Therapy Weight Loss

Hormone Replacement Therapy can help prevent you from gaining weight by keeping your estrogen levels optimized by helping control body composition changes .

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Image Blog
March 21, 2023
The Keys to a Successful Fitness Regime

Listen in as Sidney Gordon talks with Will Fuchs, Personal Trainer with XPE Sports about what it’s like to not just train individuals and athletes, but what it’s like to ensure their bodies are working at optimal levels.

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