Hormone Replacement Therapy

Restore balance with Core Medical Group's Hormone Replacement Therapy. Alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life. Expert care.

Are your testosterone levels low?

If you are suffering from low testosterone, you are not alone. While there are more than 5 million men suffering from low testosterone in the United States alone, a very small minority of these men actually seek help. Don’t suffer from the effects of low testosterone any longer. Our exceptionally talented and experienced team at Core Medical Group provides much needed answers for such a difficult problem.

Hormone Replacement Therapy Benefits

At Core Medical Group, we make it comfortable for you to talk openly about your concerns. Individuals who are concerned about male menopause commonly feel healthier and more confident as a result of our treatments. There are a variety of benefits of hormone replacement therapy, including reversing the effects of low testosterone.

The potential results of testosterone replacement therapy include:

▶ Increased muscle strength and mass
▶ Decreased cholesterol levels
▶ More energy, stamina, and endurance
▶ Improved sexual potency and frequency
▶ Better protection against heart disease
▶ Enhanced overall mood
▶ Improved concentration and memory

top signs for early detection of low testosterone levels:

Lost your zest for life? Feeling weak and tired for no apparent reason? Hormone levels start to decline after about age 30.

Are you prone to weight gain around the mid-section? Experiencing a slow recovery from exercise? This can be common symptoms of hormone decline.

Feeling depressed, irritable, or unmotivated? Feeling weak and tired for no apparent reason, or having trouble sleeping? Hormone decline can be a major culprit.  

Having a low sex drive or symptoms of sexual dysfunction can be a symptom of a hormone imbalance.



Schedule a free consultation with our hormone doctors to identify the root cause of your symptoms.


Our medical staff will develop a treatment plan uniquely tailored to you.


With an emphasis on functional medicine, we will treat and prevent your medical conditions.