
Improve Your Low Hormone Symptoms With
Testosterone Therapy Edison Park

Testosterone Therapy Edison Park is designed to restore hormonal balance in men. This treatment is recommended to patients whose decreasing testosterone levels result in chronic fatigue, weight gain, accumulation of belly fat, loss of strength and muscle mass, irritability, and reduced virility.

  • Weight gain – Studies show that up to 70 percent of overweight men suffer from testosterone deficiency. Belly fat interferes with the healthy production of testosterone, turning obesity and hormonal deficiency into a vicious cycle.
  • Reduced virility – Testosterone plays a critical role in the maturation of sperm cells and male fertility. It also fosters male physical traits such as stronger bones, increased muscle mass, and masculine facial traits.
  • Irritability and other manifestations – Several studies have also linked low testosterone levels to irritability, mood swings, chronic fatigue, and some woman-like physical traits (e.g., enlarged male breasts).

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