Proper HRT Injection Tips
When considering Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), proper injection technique is usually the last thing on your mind. So let’s talk a little about proper HRT injection technique now.
Most people inject anabolic steroids using the IM (intramuscular) method and typically use a large muscle, such as the gluteus muscle (buttocks), for the injection.
The gauge of a needle (its size in diameter), will depend on the medication you’re taking. You’ll choose a smaller or larger needle to complete the job. Using just one size needle for everything is impossible because oil- and water-based injections require different sizes. You’re probably going to need a larger needle for your oil-based injections.
Here’s a trick for remembering needle gauges: the higher the number, the smaller the needle. For example, a 22 gauge needle is smaller than a 17 gauge needle.
HRT Injection Information
Rules for safe and effective shots the first time!
- Check the expiration dates on your medication.
- Double check that the medication is the right amount and strength.
- Always use a syringe with a volume of twice the required amount of medication or solution then add the
needle. For example, if you are injecting 50cc, use at least a 100cc needle. - Everything must be keep 100% sterile. Wash your hands and use a cotton swab to disinfect the injection area and the top of the vial. Don’t touch anything with the unprotected needle. Also, don’t ever use a previously used needle. Even if it was you that used it last.
Instructions for intramuscular injections of HRT
First, use the syringe to draw the steroid out of the vial. Choose your needle length based on two factors. First, the size of a muscle group. Second, the amount of subcutaneous fat you must go through. In order to reach a reasonable depth within the muscle.
The most common size of the needle used to inject anabolic steroids is a 22-23 gauge X 1.5″ needle. This size will work for all water-based and oil-based injectable steroids.
- The first thing you need to do is make sure you are using a clean, unused needle.
- Next, make sure the top of the vial is clean, and swab it with an alcohol pad.
- Draw the liquid out of the vial into the syringe. First, pull some air into the syringe, usually as much as it will hold.
- Next, you want to hold the vial upside down and inject the air into the vial. This will increase pressure inside the vial and make drawing the liquid into the syringe easier.
- Once you´ve done this, and while you´re still holding the vial upside down. You need to make sure the tip of the needle is below the level of the liquid. Begin to slowly pull back on the plunger and draw the desired amount of liquid into the syringe.
- Next, you can replace the needle that breached the vial’s rubber stopper with a fresh needle. This is because even one pass through the rubber of a vial will blunt the tip of a needle—even if this is not visible to the naked eye, it´s still got the potential to cause additional discomfort when you inject.
- After you have replaced the needle, if you´ve chosen to do so, you´ll need to swab the area you are about to inject with a new, clean alcohol pad.
- Relax the area, and if possible, stretch the skin taught with your thumb and forefinger. This will make the skin tight and provide an easier injection.
- Once you have the skin stretched, while holding the needle like a dart, insert it with one swift motion, all the way to the end of the needle. Do this at a 90 degree angle relative to the muscle you are injecting.
- Next, pull back on the plunger, and check that no blood enters the syringe. As long as no blood has entered (signifying that you´ve hit a blood vessel, and that this is not a good injection to continue), push down on the plunger with slow, steady pressure until the syringe is empty.
- Once the syringe is empty, pull out the needle with one swift motion, and put pressure on the area with a sterile alcohol pad.
- Next, apply a bandage, recap the needle, and dispose of everything in a safe manner.
Instructions for subcutaneous of HRT injection
With an insulin needle (this is typically how HRT is administered), follow all those steps. Instead of stretching your skin taut, pull the skin away from your body and insert the needle at a 45-degree angle into the ‘pocket’ of space between your skin and muscle.
Again, dispose of your needles safely, and remember to follow this same procedure for every injection, to avoid the possibility of infections and abscesses.
Instructions for glute of HRT injections
The best way to locate the correct place for dosing in the glute is to find the upper outer quadrant (section) of the butt cheek you inject. Inject only into the upper outer area of the quadrant—which muscle you actually inject into is less significant.
It is important to avoid the other quadrants because they can be very sensitive to needle injections and there is a chance to hit large veins and/or nerves.
Instructions for thigh Injections of HRT
The injection spot is generally located on the front outside area of the thigh between one hand’s width above the knee and one hand’s width below the hip joint. The injection should go into the thickest area of the large muscle to be sure to stay away from any bone.
Instructions for deltoid injection of HRT
Insert the needle at a 90-degree angle, or slightly angled up, into the middle of the deltoid muscle. This is approximately 2-4 finger-widths below the bony end of your shoulder bone, and forms a triangle when you look at it from the side.
Master Your HRT Injection Technique With Core Medical Group
Ready to perfect your HRT injection technique? Core Medical Group has you covered with step-by-step guides for all injection methods. Make every shot safe and effective. Learn more at CoreMedicalGroup.com.