
Types Of Bio Identical Hormone Therapy Delray Beach


Men and women can try Bio Identical Hormone Therapy Delray Beach.  Hormone replacement therapy has three forms which are effective in reducing the symptoms caused by low levels of estrogen and progesterone in the body:

  • Pellets – Pellets are inserted under the skin, where they release a consistent dose of hormones over a period of time, typically at least four months. These create smaller fluctuations in hormone levels compared to other administration methods, which can result in a roller coaster effect as the hormone level rises and falls.
  • Pills – The pills typically contain progestin as well unless the woman has had a hysterectomy. Estrogen HRT can generally be divided into continuous therapies and cyclic therapies.
  • Patches and creams – The patches deliver a variety of hormones, including estrogen and testosterone. The patch then delivers the hormone into the bloodstream at a specific rate. The patch is typically applied by the patient to the buttocks or abdomen for up to one week.


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