HGH Advantages
There are many HGH therapy benefits, such as: Enhances lean [...]
There are many HGH therapy benefits, such as: Enhances lean [...]
Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is one of the key hormones [...]
Though there is little clinical or documentary evidence available about the benefits of HGH products, (other than HGH injections), countless satisfied individuals have reported the outstanding benefits of the product, and without any major side effects.
The Mayo Clinic has conducted several studies which demonstrate the potential benefits of the hormone, which include, increase in the bone density, increase in the muscle mass, concurrent reduction of body fat and increased exercise capacity.
In a study conducted by Johannson and his colleagues, at the Salgrenska University Hospital, it was found that HGH helps improve insulin sensitivity. The study design was a randomized double blind study involving 30 men between the age groups of 48 years to 66 years. These individuals were given low doses of HGH for a period of nine months, and great benefits of the same were observed. Glucose metabolism improved considerably, along with an average reduction of 18.1 % of abdominal fat, which has been considered to be a major cause of insulin resistance. The study concluded that HGH replacement therapy helps improve insulin sensitivity and assists in regulation of blood sugar levels.
HGH replacement has gained a considerable amount of momentum in recent times with the medical community and consumers realizing its benefits. The objective of HGH replacement is to stimulate an increase in the HGH levels secreted by the pituitary, and thereby help in combating certain adverse effects of aging. These symptoms can include, loss of lean muscle mass, increased fat composition of the body, disturbed sleep, reduced mental function and appearance of wrinkles on the skin. The HGH replacement process restores the youthful feeling into Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) patients and allows them to feel the same amount of vigor and energy as they did in their early 20s. There are different forms of HGH replacements which include: HGH sprays, HGH supplements, HGH injections and natural ways of stimulating the production of HGH.
Increases Vitality - The Human Growth Hormone has the capacity to revive and revitalize the mind. It gives a tremendous boost to the memory, can repeal certain negative attitudes, viewpoints and expectations that are associated with ageing, and enhance concentration and cognition. It has an anti-depressive action, and promotes a sense of well-being and serenit