
Slow Down the Aging Process with Nutraceutical Boca Raton

Nutraceutical Boca Raton

At Core Medical Group, we believe nutraceutical imbalance therapy is vital. It maximizes the benefits our patients gain from their intake. Moreover, discuss your issues with one of our physicians to develop an individualized supplement regimen focused on optimizing your health. Furthermore, depending on your specific needs, hormone replacement therapy may be included as part of your customized wellness plan.


Treatment Options with Nutraceutical Boca Raton


Our approach to nutraceutical imbalance therapy encompasses a variety of treatments, designed to target different aspects of your health:


Firstly, Glutathione Liver Cleanse: This powerful antioxidant detoxifies your liver, paving the way for improved health and vitality.

Secondly, Injectable MIC Fat Flush: This treatment helps metabolize fats efficiently, contributing significantly to weight loss and body contouring.

Thirdly, Gender-Specific Multivitamins: Available in both injectable and oral forms. Also,  these multivitamins are formulated to meet the specific nutritional needs of different genders, enhancing overall well-being.

Lastly, Essential Amino Acids: Also available via injection or oral delivery, these amino acids are critical in burning body fat and promoting muscle growth, thereby supporting your fitness goals.

Start Your Journey with a Free Consultation


Interested in exploring how nutraceutical imbalance therapy can benefit you? We offer a complimentary case consultation for every new client. Hence, this is your opportunity to learn more about our services and determine whether they align with your health objectives.


For more detailed information, please call our Boca Raton office at 561-338-5240 or our Delray Beach office at 561-243-1219 to schedule your consultation.


Harness the power of nutraceuticals with Core Medical Group. Take a significant step towards slowing down aging. Also, optimize your health effectively.


Furthermore, try the power of nutraceuticals with Core Medical Group. Take a significant step towards slowing down aging and optimizing health. Furthermore, our tailored therapies supplement what your body needs, creating a balanced, healthier lifestyle. Thus, don’t hesitate to reach out and begin your journey to wellness with us today.

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