No matter how embarrassing or awkward it might be to have problems with erectile dysfunction, it’s by no means a rare problem. Over half of all men experience erectile dysfunction, with the risk of developing the issue increasing with age.
While Viagra is the most famous treatment for erectile dysfunction, it isn’t the only one. In fact, many people want a Viagra alternative. One such alternative is Tadalafil. But what exactly is Tadalafil? How does it work? Is it a good Viagra substitute? We’re going to answer all this and more in this article; keep reading to learn everything you need to know about Tadalafil.
What Is Erectile Dysfunction?
Erectile dysfunction is a condition where the penis does not get or maintain an erection. When blood cannot flow to the penis properly, it won’t become erect during sexual relations. This can happen periodically, or it can be an ongoing issue. What causes erectile dysfunction? It usually is a combination of issues: hormonal imbalances, emotional, physical effects can cause erectile dysfunction. It’s often linked to troubles with blood flow, heart disease, clogged arteries, and high cholesterol.
Treatment Methods
Many doctors will recommend treating the underlying causes of erectile dysfunction before trying medication. This could involve losing weight, treating hypertension, lowering stress, and managing your mental health. Medication is available to treat this condition. Viagra is a common prescription used to treat ED, but Tadalafil is just as effective. Keep reading to learn more about Tadalafil for treating erectile dysfunction.
1. Tadalafil is Generic Cialis
While you might not have heard the name Tadalafil before, you probably heard the brand name Cialis. Tadalafil is the generic form of Cialis, but they both have the same active ingredient/drug content.
2. Tadalafil Works by Increasing Blood Flow
Under normal and healthy conditions, the blood vessels in the penis will dilate to allow blood flow to increase and cause the penis to become erect. The blood vessels that bring blood out of the penis will simultaneously contract to keep the blood in the penis and maintain the erection. Erectile dysfunction occurs when blood doesn’t flow to the penis properly, and the blood vessels don’t properly dilate or contract. Tadalafil is a type of drug called a PDE-5 inhibitor. This means they inhibit the PDE-5 enzyme from working. What does this mean? Well, the PDE-5 enzyme is responsible for breaking down the molecule (called cGMP) that causes the blood vessels in the penis to dilate. By inhibiting PDE-5, it won’t be able to destroy cGMP, which will dilate the blood vessels and increase the blood flow to the penis. This will allow you to get and maintain an erection.
3. It Only Works With Sexual Stimulation
However, in order for this medication to work, you also must be sexually aroused or sexually stimulated. In order for cGMP to be synthesized, you need nitric oxide. And when do you produce nitric oxide? When you’re aroused or sexually stimulated. Tadalafil will help to increase the amount of nitric oxide, but it can’t do it on its own. The man must be aroused for Tadalafil to work properly. Tadalafil won’t make you feel sexual arousal, either. It will only help you get and maintain an erection. If you’re experiencing low sex drive or a decrease in sexual arousal, Tadalafil will not treat these symptoms.
4. It Has Other Applications
Clinics prescribe Tadalafil to treat the symptoms an enlarged prostate as well as treat pulmonary arterial hypertension may cause. An enlarged prostate can lead to a number of negative symptoms, including:
- Difficulty urinating
- Weak stream of urine
- Frequent nightly urination
- Sudden/intense urges to urinate
Tadalafil will help relieve these symptoms. FDA also approved it to treat both an enlarged prostate and ED. The same reason that Tadalafil can treat ED is why it is effective at treating pulmonary arterial hypertension. It will inhibit PDE-5, which allows the blood vessels to remain dilated and decrease blood pressure in the lungs.
5. Tadalafil Lasts Longer Than Viagra
Viagra can last between 4 to 5 hours. Tadalafil, on the other hand, can last up to 36 hours. Because it must be combined with sexual arousal, the effects can last longer than other ED drugs like Viagra.
6. There Are Side Effects
As with any medication, there are side effects you need to consider before taking Tadalafil. Some common side effects include:
- Headaches
- Back pain
- Stomach issues
- Muscle pain/aches
These are usually mild side effects. However, if they are consistent or get worse over time, you should speak to your doctor. If you experience dizziness, fainting, nausea, or numbness/tingling in your limbs, this could be a sign of serious complications. You should see a physician as soon as possible to rule out any dangerous side effects or heart issues. Because of how this medication interacts with nitric oxide, you should not take this medication while also taking any sort of nitrate medication. This could cause a dangerous drop in your blood pressure, which can lead to heart attack, stroke, or fainting.
7. Tadalafil Is Taken Before Sex
This medication is taken via an oral pill between 30 minutes and an hour before having sex. You should discuss the specific dosage with your doctor along with a treatment plan to discuss whether you’re healthy enough to be having sex.
Tadalafil Troches: A Viagra Alternative
Erectile dysfunction can make it hard, and even impossible, for men to have sex. This can result in a decreased sex drive, a loss of confidence, and embarrassment. Many men feel awkward and ashamed to bring the issue up with their doctor and thus don’t seek treatment. However, there are a number of treatments that can help men suffering from erectile dysfunction. Tadalafil Troches is an excellent Viagra alternative for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, along with applications for hypertension and symptoms of an enlarged prostate. If you have any other questions about treating erectile dysfunction, don’t hesitate to contact us. You can also find other health tips on our website.